Honey Garlic Salmon

This week I made Salmon. It was my first time cooking fish, so I decided to fry it. I got this recipe from a website that was recommended to me for quick meals. In my opinion, this meal had the best taste to time ratio. It only took about 15-20 minutes to make if you […]

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Topic 11 – Digital Devices

This week we discussed the duality of cellphone use when learning. Are they actually able to help with homework? Or are they still just an unnecessary distraction? When we began covering the potential benefits of cellphone use when learning, the Arduino Science Journal was brought up. The Arduino Science Journal is an application that utilizes […]

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Assignment 2 – The Impact of the Virtual Classroom Dynamic (Zoom) On K-12 Education

For this video, we made a google slide presentation that was then screen shared on an online Zoom Chat. We recorded the zoom and uploaded it to imovie where the most of the editing was done. When the editing was complete, we uploaded our video to Youtube. In this presentation we cover topics like, E-learning, […]

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Fettuccini Chicken Alfredo

This week I made fettuccini chicken alfredo! I only had past experience cooking Kraft Dinner, so this was my first time cooking proper pasta. I even utilized a resource to make sure I cooked the fettuccini correctly. In my opinion, this was by far the tastiest meal i’ve made yet. Above are some photos of […]

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Tofu Stir Fry

This week I tried making a vegan meal! Tofu is very foreign to me. Not only had i never cooked with Tofu but I had also never tried it. I breaded the tofu and then baked it in the oven. While that was baking, I fried up some vegetables and rice. Once it was all […]

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